
  • Mariana Marangoci


Pinus nigra ssp. Banatica, subspecies, present situation


Banat black pine is an infrataxon sometimes considered as subspecies, sometimes as variety of black pine, with natural spreading area in southwestern Romania, on Banat Mountains, from where it slightly extends into south of the Danube, in Serbia. The controversy surrounding the position of Banat black pine in southwestern Romania has been known since the last century. The Banat black pine population from this part of Romania has never been thoroughly studied at the molecular level. A future direction of study could be that variability analysis and genetic structure of individuals from natural population of Pinus nigra ssp. Banatica in southwestern Romania, using genetic markers.


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How to Cite

Marangoci, M. (2019). PINUS NIGRA ARN. AND THE INFRATAXON PINUS NIGRA SSP. BANATICA A SHORT REVIEW. Journal of Experimental and Molecular Biology, 19(4), 107–112. Retrieved from


