Micronucleus Test In Epithelial Cells From Oral Cavity In Koya University student Somokers And Non- Somokers


  • Harem Othman Smail Department of Biology, Faculty of science and health, Koya University, Koya KOY45, Kurdistan Region-F.R. Iraq
  • Lava Swara Sabir
  • Lana Faraydun Abdulstar


epithelial cells , Cigarettes , micronucleated cell, binucleated cell and condensed chromatin cell


This work aimed to investigate the use of epithelial cells from the oral cavity in identifying smoking-related effects in male smokers, normal male, normal female. To establish the relationships between micronucleated cell, binucleated cell, condensed chromatin cell. A total of 59 subjects, corresponding to 11 normal males, 19 normal female, 29 male smokers were registered for this study. The buccal epithelial cell was selected because of the direct exposure of tobacco smoke.
We appraised the incidence of micronucleus formation from 29 male smokers and who had smoked a minimum of 1 pack-year and a maximum of 12. Because of their increased smoke intake, male smokers group showed high buccal micronuclei frequency, significantly P<0.05 increased micronucleus frequency was observed in the male smokers group. Micronuclei are cytoplasmic chromatin mass with the appearance of small nuclei that arise from chromosome fragments in the anaphase stage of cell division. Their presence in cells is a reaction of structural and numerical chromosomal aberration arising during mitosis.
In an analysis of the frequency of Binucleated cell in 29 male smokers, 11 normal male statistically non-significant differences were noted. The average frequency of condensed chromatin cell in 11 normal male and 29 male smokers were high P<0.05, this is statistically significant and there is a relationship between smoking and increasing in condensed chromatin cell as we mentioned before smoking leads to cytogenetical damage to the human buccal epithelial cell.







How to Cite

Smail, H. O., Sabir, L. S., & Abdulstar, L. F. (2021). Micronucleus Test In Epithelial Cells From Oral Cavity In Koya University student Somokers And Non- Somokers. Journal of Experimental and Molecular Biology, 21(2), 47–54. Retrieved from http://www.jemb.bio.uaic.ro/index.php/jemb/article/view/45


